
Aurora Health Care “CareTODAY”

TV spot for Aurora Health Care

Aurora Health Care had a new patient service to announce and, subsequently, needed a supporting spot turned quickly. Using a combination of 3D and motion graphics, KMOTION worked with Aurora to develop graphical story that succinctly describes CareTODAY while maintaining Aurora’s brand identity.


American Heart Association “Heart Check Mark”

Heart Check Mark project for the American Heart Association’s Dallas-based marketing group.

The animation (a combo of 2D and 3D) was designed to quickly summarize the program and its growth since inception while engaging the audience.

KMOTION MEDIA: Production & Post Production


American Heart Association “AFib Stroke Awareness”

We recently completed production and delivery of a national spot for the American Heart Association’s Dallas-based marketing group.
The thirty-second PSA, which will be broadcast nationally, is an animated infographic style spot designed to promote awareness of atrial fibrillation and its impact on increased risk of stroke.
The American Heart Association’s team headquartered in Dallas, Texas, contacted Kmotion to execute the project. We dived in and, under a tight deadline and with a limited budget, quickly implemented the spot.

The American Heart Association will also be featuring the spot on its website for a limited time at this location: http://www.heart.org/AFib.com


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